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  • lolasluckyday

Mission: Save Buddy

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

On October 7, 2019, we received an inquiry from a U.S. Soldier stationed on the border in Mission, TX regarding a stray dog that he and his unit were desperately trying to help.

The dog had stumbled onto military property and was found by soldiers out on patrol. Given his physical condition and the location where he was found, it is likely the dog had wandered tens of miles for days in search of food and shelter.

The dog was malnourished yet extremely well mannered and had a collar but no tags or microchip. The soldiers fed him what personal food and water they could spare (which the dog solely survived on for weeks) and committed to finding the dog’s owner(s). The soldiers posted the dog’s information across various sites for lost dogs in the Rio Grande Valley area but weeks passed and they were not contacted. One of the soldiers, a Wisconsin native, heard about LLD from a family member and contacted us asking for help on a whim (Mission is over 8 hours from Houston) - the rest is history. Or as we would like to say - his "Lucky Day".

The dog, whose name is now Buddy, has since been adopted and lives a happy life in Wisconsin. Buddy's family remains in contact with his finder and provides him and our rescue updates often. Buddy continues to be super loving and friendly, and is a staff favorite at the dog lodge where he attends day care. Buddy’s story, like many others, are what fuel our desire to continue to rescue dogs, find them homes, and bring them together with loving and caring forever families.


Buddy with his forever family in Wisconsin!

Buddy with Army Soldier Cole reunited during a visit to Wisconsin!

Buddy being Buddy! :)

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